Café Bulle guest house
Bed and breakfast rentals
Café Bulle guest house
Bed and breakfast rentals

Contact Maison d'hôtes Café Bulle, bed and breakfast rentals near Reims

Contact the Café Bulle guest house, near Reims

In order to communicate with you before your stay and keep in touch afterwards, we collect some of your personal data, including your name, address, email and telephone number. Your dates of stay are also recorded in our reservation system. In accordance with legislation on the management of personal data, we ask for your consent to collect and store this data, which is necessary for us to be able to welcome you. We keep this data in order to be able to keep you informed of La Maison d'Hôtes Café Bulle news and promotions.

We also collect the e-mail addresses of gift card purchasers and recipients. If, however, you would like us to delete your data, you can request this via the form below.

Contact us

Café Bulle guest house

14 Rue Blanche de Castille
51700 Jonquery

Contact us

You can also contact us by phone, you can reach us by phone or email.
You can book online on our website by clicking on this link, and also on the websites of our partners Booking or B&B. We reserve the best rates for visitors who book directly on our site or contact us directly.


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